ND: Bill to Raise the Speed Limit Will Also Raise Risk of Death and Injury

  • March 3, 2025
150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates is asking leadership and members of the Senate Transportation Committee to oppose House Bill (HB) 1298. This legislation will permit an increase in speed limits to 80 miles per hour (mph) on access-controlled, paved and divided, multilane interstate highways across North Dakota, endangering state residents as well as visitors.

In 2023, an estimated 106 people died in traffic crash crashes in North Dakota. Speeding is a major factor leading to traffic fatalities, contributing to 28 percent of traffic fatalities in the state in 2022. Excess speed contributes to both the frequency and severity of motor vehicle crashes and proves especially dangerous for vulnerable road users such as motorcycle riders, work zone workers and roadside first responders who lack the protective structure of a vehicle.

Read the full letter to the Senate committee here. Advocates previously expressed opposition to this legislation in the North Dakota House Transportation Committee.