Autonomous Vehicles

Groups Urge Senate Committee to Address AV Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

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In preparation for tomorrow’s hearing “Complex Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Lessons Learned from Spectre and Meltdown,” we write to highlight the critical problems related to the cybersecurity of connected and autonomous vehicles (AVs).  As these cars will be “computers on wheels,” it is absolutely essential that strong protections be in place to safeguard against potentially catastrophic instances of vehicle hacking.

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Advocates’ Dr. Shaun Kildare to Testify Before Senate EPW Committee

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety’s (Advocates) Director of Research, Dr. Shaun Kildare, will be testifying before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works at 10:00 a.m. EST during the hearing entitled “Innovation and America’s Infrastructure: Examining the Effects of Emerging Autonomous Technologies on America’s Roads and Bridges.”  

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Advocates’ Statement to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on AVs and Infrastructure

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AVs should not be prematurely deployed and sold before they can be safely operated on public roads and without commonsense government oversight in place.  Serious and fatal crashes involving AVs which have already occurred reveal significant flaws in this still developing technology.  These crashes have also shown that coordination at the federal, state and local levels regarding infrastructure development and upgrades will play a significant role in the safe and successful development of AVs. 

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Advocates’ Statement on Infrastructure Week

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As Infrastructure Week kicks off, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) stresses the strong and historic connection between infrastructure legislation and safety advances.  All major infrastructure bills have included a safety title targeted at advancing safer cars, safer roads and safer drivers.  Recent calls for infrastructure improvements and investment, highlighted during this particular week, should be no different.

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