In the News

Statement of Jackie Gillan on National Teen Driver Safety Week

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

October 22, 2015 TODAY: U.S. House Committee to Decide Fate of Controversial Provision in Transportation Bill to Give Teens Keys to Drive Big Trucks Interstate Deadly Policy Change Coincides With “National Teen Driver Safety Week” When Public is Reminded that…

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Advocates’ Co-Chair Joan Claybrook Testifies Before House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Improving Vehicle and Roadway Safety

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates’ Consumer Co-Chair, Joan Claybrook, testified this morning before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade during the hearing “Examining Ways to Improve Vehicle and Roadway Safety.” After the hearing, Ms. Claybrook joined Subcommittee Ranking Member…

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Advocates joins Reps. Schakowsky, Pallone and others to highlight Vehicle Safety Improvement Act after Auto and Roadway Safety Hearing

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

October 20, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Sam Avery (Schakowsky): 202-225-2111 Christine Brennan (Pallone): 202-225-5735 Schakowsky, Pallone and others highlight Vehicle Safety Improvement Act after Auto and Roadway Safety Hearing WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, October 21, the House…

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Advocates Joins Sens. Wicker, Feinstein and Blumenthal to Unite in Stopping Bigger Trucks

136 136 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2015 Contact: Ryan Taylor (Wicker), 202-224-6253 Dean Lieberman (Feinstein), 202-224-9629 Sarah Zukowski (Blumenthal), 202-224-2823 Wicker, Feinstein, Blumenthal Unite to Stop Bigger Trucks Senators Joined by Coalition of Industry, Safety Advocates, Law Enforcement, and Unions WASHINGTON…

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