Media Alert: Capitol Hill Briefing on Autonomous Vehicle Safety

  • January 7, 2020
150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety:  Pete Daniels / 202-408-1711 / 301-442-2249 (C) / [email protected]
The Center for Auto Safety: Jason Levine / 202-328-7700 / [email protected]
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund: Carol Tyson / 202-878-9186 / [email protected]
League of American Bicyclists: Ken McLeod / 202-621-5447 / [email protected]
Transportation for America: Jenna Fortunati / 202-868-4108 / [email protected]



Capitol Hill Briefing on Autonomous Vehicle Safety




WHEN: Monday, January 13, 10:00 am EST

WHERE: Russell Senate Office Building, Room 385


Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Jason Levine, Executive Director, Center for Auto Safety

Carol Tyson, Government Affairs Liaison, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund

Ken McLeod, Policy Director, League of American Bicyclists

Scott Goldstein, Policy Director, Transportation for America

Michael Replogle, Deputy Commissioner for Policy for the New York City Department of Transportation



Autonomous vehicles (AVs) hold tremendous potential for reducing traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries, and increasing mobility if they are developed and deployed in a way that prioritizes safety.  The rush to allow this experimental technology to be sold, also referred to as deployment, comes amid widespread concerns about its readiness to deal with the complexities of our roads and accessibility.  Public skepticism is high, and experts, including the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), have identified major safety problems with driverless technology and the lack of federal oversight of companies currently testing AVs.

This briefing offers an opportunity to hear from members of a diverse coalition on safeguards needed in any potential federal AV legislation:

  • Prioritizing safety for all road users including motorists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, transit riders, and cyclists
  • Ensuring safety for occupants and access for everyone, including people across the broad spectrum of disability
  • Preserving local control to protect motorists, road users and consumers
  • Providing appropriate data to consumers and local authorities
  • Equipping the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) with the resources and authorities it needs to oversee this new technology
