Message to Congress from Victim Advocates on Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

  • August 9, 2021
652 466 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) sent the message below to Congress on August 10, 2021: 

Heroic victim advocates who have experienced the suffering caused by the death or serious injury of a child, spouse or loved one because of a car or truck crash, hot car incident or seatback failure have been delivering urgent messages to you.  While each story is unique, their message is united:  Congress must advance proven vehicle safety solutions to prevent future tragedies as part of transportation and infrastructure legislation. 



What These Victim Advocates Ask You To Do

Before a final infrastructure/transportation bill is signed into law, Congress must take action to make vital improvements necessary to prevent crashes, deaths & injuries.

  • Advance requirements, performance standards and compliance dates for automatic emergency braking (AEB) in all new cars and trucks that detects and responds to vulnerable road users (VRUs).
  • Any legislation must require that a system detects and alerts to the presence of an occupant in the entire passenger compartment to prevent hot car deaths and injuries. This is vital to ensure that children who access a vehicle on their own, as well as children who are unknowingly left in a vehicle, are saved.
  • The federal standard for seatbacks has remained relatively unchanged since 1967. S. DOT must be required to improve the seatback standard by a date certain.
  • Stop weakening truck safety rules – Remove reckless provisions that allow teen truckers to operate big rigs in interstate commerce and that provide special interest exemptions from federal truck driver hours of service (HOS) limits.


In honor of these families and the millions like them whose loved ones are either killed or injured each year on our roadways, meaningful safety advances must be included in any transportation/infrastructure legislation that makes it to President Biden’s desk.