Notable Quotes from June 23, 2020 Press Teleconference Urging Passage of the Motor Vehicle Safety Title as Part of the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2)

  • June 23, 2020
150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
CONTACT: Pete Daniels, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety / [email protected] / 301-442-2249 (C)


Notable Quotes from June 23, 2020 Press Teleconference Urging Passage of the Motor Vehicle Safety Title as Part of the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2):


Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety:
“Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives released the Moving Forward Act – a legislative package that contains commonsense policy improvements to address the persistently high death and injury toll.  For example, automatic emergency braking, commonly known as ‘AEB,’ can reduce front-to rear crashes with injuries in passenger vehicles by 56 percent, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.  This requirement would prevent or mitigate a range of crashes caused by some of the leading killers — speed, impairment, distraction and fatigue.  The Moving Forward Act advances collision avoidance technology and improved design for crashworthiness, which will result in safer vehicles to protect families.”

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-9th), Chair, House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce:
“I have the privilege of chairing the Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce. I often refer to our subcommittee as America’s helpline. Sometimes we are referred to as the Kleenex committee. That’s because the stories we hear about are life and death, and this title represents bold action to say, ‘no more avoidable deaths!’  Tens of thousands of deaths, millions of injuries, and more than half a trillion in costs to society each year – our nation is suffering from an automobile safety crisis that deserves swift and decisive federal action. With the Moving Forward Act, we’re attacking this crisis head on – enacting sweeping auto safety reforms that mandate proven safety technologies that will decrease the death and destruction on our nation’s streets.  These measures focus on vehicle technology that exists now and can save lives in the very near term. No more excuses, no more delays.”

Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY-20th), Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee:
“Even as we work to address the broad and urgent challenges we now face as a nation, we must not lose sight of the full scope of life-saving work that needs to get done.  Our continued progress with these vital and commonsense limousine safety measures is a credit to the families of the victims in the Schoharie and Long Island tragedies.  They have shown a truly selfless resolve, turning tragic personal loss into a resounding call for life-saving reform.  The advance of these measures to the House floor is just the next step.  My colleagues and I will not rest until limousine safety reforms are signed and enacted into law.”

Amy Cohen (New York City, NY), Co-founder, Families for Safe Streets:
“Today as we face an unprecedented pandemic, there also is a silent, smoldering killer in our midst.  Traffic violence is an unrecognized, preventable public health crisis and, as many other nations have proven, one we can solve now.  The Motor Vehicle Safety Title in the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2) is a huge step forward.  The safety upgrades in the bill, especially those to require advanced driver assistance systems in all new cars, will help to prevent or mitigate crashes and would likely have saved Sammy’s life.  If enacted, these crucial protections will save many, many lives.”

Miles Harrison (Purcellville, VA):
“On July 8th, 2008, I unknowingly forgot to drop off my son Chase at daycare and drove to my office while he sat in a hot car all day.  At 5pm a coworker came into my office and asked me, ‘do you have a doll in your car?’  For a brief moment, I did not understand the question, a brief moment – then a sick feeling started to engulf me, and I ran out to my car and could see my son Chase still in his car seat.  Chase was gone.  Over 950 children have died unnecessarily since 1990 in hot cars.  This has got to stop.  There are inexpensive systems available.  How can this be, that in our great country it is not already required in all cars?”

Joan Claybrook, Former Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
“With the belief that ‘safety sells,’ I created the New Car Assessment Program, also known as NCAP [New Car Assessment Program] or ‘stars on cars.’  By putting the results of the crash test performance on the window stickers of new cars, consumers could make informed decisions in auto show rooms.  Unfortunately, U.S. NCAP has not kept pace with new technology or vehicle designs.  It now seriously lags behind its international counterparts.  The popular star ratings, which were first introduced in 2005, now do very little to help consumers distinguish the very safest cars from all the rest.  Last October, I co-authored a report with Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety that outlined a blueprint for improving the program and restoring it to its original significance.  Thanks to the leadership of Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), deficiencies identified in that report are being remedied in the Moving Forward Act.”

Sharon R. Shore (Bellevue, NE):
“The PARK IT Act was introduced in the House by Congresswoman Schakowsky just weeks before my parents died.  My commitment will not stop until this legislation, which requires a standardized solution across the automotive industry of just a few lines of code, is enacted.  No other family should mourn the loss of loved ones; No other family should have concerns about the risks of long term exposure to Carbon Monoxide poisoning.  I am a daughter, who misses her mom and dad, and I know telling their story has already saved lives and passing this act will save countless more.”

William Wallace, Manager, Safety Policy, Consumer Reports:
“It is unacceptable that over 36,000 people die on our roads every year.  Policymakers have tools to greatly reduce this toll, but too often, they don’t use them.  The Motor Vehicle Safety Title in H.R. 2 is different.  It puts our country on a path to zero road deaths—the only acceptable goal, which is closer to our reach than ever.  But we as a country absolutely will not get there unless auto safety innovations benefit everyone—not just those who can afford expensive add-ons.  Consumer Reports urges every member of Congress to support this transformative and necessary legislation because it’s time lawmakers stood up for everyone’s safety.”

Jason Levine, Executive Director, Center for Auto Safety:
“Every driver, passenger, and pedestrian on American roads deserves a minimum level of safety, not just those driving the latest luxury vehicles.  Existing advances in vehicle safety technology can significantly reduce the tragedies that wreck thousands of families every single day.  The Motor Vehicle Safety Title, if enacted, will greatly reduce preventable car crash deaths and injuries by requiring the auto industry to share the wealth when it comes to safety technology and force the Department of Transportation to back up its rhetoric with action when it claims that safety comes first.”