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America Walks: Safer Fleets Challenge

How Adopting Intelligent Speed Assistance Can Make Your Communities Safer America Walks Safer Fleets Challenge calls on cities and towns to install Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) on their fleets. What is ISA ISA is a vehicle-based technology that can preclude the vehicle from exceeding the speed limit and avert or mitigate crashes. ISA uses GPS-linked speed limit data and/or video…

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Statement on National Stop On Red Week 2023

This first full week of August is “National Stop on Red Week,” a reminder for all drivers to obey all traffic lights. More than 1,100 people were killed in crashes that involved red light running in 2021, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

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Video: Safety leaders, victims’ advocates and others voiced their concerns about legislation on autonomous vehicles (AVs)

July 25, 2023 Press Conference: Safety leaders, victims’ advocates and others voice their concerns about legislation on autonomous vehicles (AVs) which does not include needed safeguards and regulations to protect all road users in advance of a hearing on legislation Wednesday, July 26, convened by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce. Resources Advocates’ Autonomous Vehicle…

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Press Conference: Need for Autonomous Vehicles Regulations | July 25, 2023

(Washington-July 25, 2023) Safety leaders, victims’ advocates and others voiced their concerns about legislation on autonomous vehicles (AVs) which does not include needed safeguards and regulations to protect all road users in advance of a hearing on legislation Wednesday, July 26, convened by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce. With data, expertise and personal experiences,…

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