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MD: Advocates Applauds State Assembly for Big Safety Win

“With the passage of HB 105, the Maryland General Assembly has taken a giant step forward in protecting all road users in the state from drunk drivers by closing the loophole in Noah’s Law. Requiring IIDs for all convicted drunk driving offenders are proven to be effective in preventing drunk driving. Many lives will be saved once this legislation is…

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Advocates Sends Letter Opposing Dangerous Truck Weight Increases

During the March 21, 2024, hearing of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit entitled, Rural Transportation Challenges: Stakeholder Perspectives, recently introduced legislation, the Modernizing Operations for Vehicles in Emergencies Act (MOVE Act), H.R. 7496, was discussed and identified as necessary to mitigate potential future emergency scenarios by allowing truck weight increases. Measures, including this one,…

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LA: Advocates Leads Coalition in Strong Opposition to Motorcycle Helmet Repeal Bill

Advocates and a group of leading public health and safety organizations and allied organizations have registered their opposition to House Bill 317 which would repeal Louisiana’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law. Louisiana has repealed its all-rider helmet law in the past only to reverse course a few years later due to sharp declines in helmet use. A National Highway Traffic Safety…

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VT: Advocates Calls on State House to Address High Rate of Speed-Related Traffic Fatalities

Ahead of a hearing tomorrow (4/2), Advocates has sent a letter to leadership in the Vermont House of Representatives’ Committee on Transportation, asking them to advance Senate Bill (S.) 184. The legislation would create an automated speed enforcement (ASE) pilot program in active work zones on limited-access highways. Vermont has one of the highest speeding-related traffic fatality rates in the…

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