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Group Letter Urging Kentucky to Upgrade its Distracted Driving Law

Expanding current distracted driving laws to more broadly curb manual use of devices, known as a hands free requirement or a hand held prohibition, and coupling this measure with provisions to also restrict distracting viewing of devices, such as accessing the internet, reading and updating social media networks, video chatting and streaming video, can help to deter deadly device use behind the wheel.

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Statement on Road Safety During Halloween

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 27, 2021 CONTACT: Pete Daniels / [email protected] / 301-442-2249 (C)   Statement from Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), on Road Safety During Halloween   Excited children walking on sidewalks and roadsides and crossing streets, the earlier onset of darkness, and people driving while impaired or distracted contribute to our roadways being…

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