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Red-Light Camera Program Checklist

This “Red-Light Camera Program Checklist” provides practical instructions for planning, implementing and evaluating red light camera programs, including steps to help communities build and maintain public support.  The checklist was published in July 2018 by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the National Safety Council (NSC), and AAA.

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Press Call on AV START and New Driverless Car Poll

Today, leading safety, consumer and bicycling advocates, law enforcement, and tech and automation experts urged the U.S. Senate to add critical safeguards to the AV START Act (S. 1885), a bill that will set policy on autonomous vehicles (AVs), also known as driverless cars, for decades to come.  As early as this week, sponsors of the bill could attempt to “give it a ride” on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act (S. 1405).

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Autonomous Vehicles

While Advocates is hopeful that autonomous vehicles (AVs), once subject to minimum performance requirements and robust oversight, may have the potential to meaningfully reduce crash deaths and injuries, currently they are being developed and deployed in a way that is insufficient to protect those in AVs and other road users.  Numerous public opinion polls show a high skepticism and fear…

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Advocates’ Letter on Drugged and Alcohol-Impaired Driving

A correlation between drug use, specific drug levels in the body, and impairment is unresolved. It is unquestionable that drug use and misuse is a serious concern. However, on our roads, alcohol impairment behind the wheel continues to be the largest single contributor to traffic fatalities in the U.S. Moreover, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities are on the rise.

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