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Message to Congress from Truck Crash Victim Advocate Eileen Kosc

“I was driving home from the beach with my sons, Brandon and Bryan, when a box truck struck our car.  Bryan, who was only seven years old, did not survive…Now is the time to mandate automatic emergency braking (AEB) for ALL trucks.  No exceptions and no excuses.  I call on President Biden to support this crucial upgrade.  We both are Delawareans and we both know the pain and suffering of losing precious family members in a preventable truck crash. Please do this for Bryan and for other families like ours.  It should not be a difficult decision.” 

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Message to Congress from Seatback Failure Victim Advocates Michelle and Jason Fraser

“On behalf of our daughter, Jayden Faith, and the thousands of families that have suffered catastrophic injuries or deaths as a result of preventable seatback failures, today we call on Congress to modernize the seatback standard that for 54 years has failed to protect families like mine.  Far too many families will never see their children or loved ones again because they died because of a seatback collapse.  We hope the Senate will act quickly to finish what the House has started to help spare even one more family from suffering what my family, and too many others like ours, have had to suffer.”

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Message to Congress from crash victim advocate Tammy Huffman

“On May 6, 2013, my husband’s twin brother, Tim Huffman, was killed by a distracted semitruck driver.  Tim was a decorated war veteran with 3 tours in Iraq and had served as a military police officer.  The semitruck driver was on Facebook at the time of the wreck.  The crash into Tim’s police cruiser and subsequent collisions created a wreckage of vehicles that stretched about a mile long – all of which could have been prevented if the truck was equipped with automatic emergency braking (AEB).  I am here today to speak for Tim, for my family and for all roadway users.  We must have safety provisions like universal AEB in place to avoid these preventable tragedies.”

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Message to Congress From ‘Hot Car’ Incident Victim Advocate Angela Jones

“It breaks our hearts to know that there is affordable, available technology out there that could have detected our little girl, Charly, in my husband’s vehicle and saved her life by sounding an alarm and sending an alert to his phone.  My husband was only 20 feet away from her the entire time she was trapped inside his vehicle.  Had he known, he would have done literally anything to protect her.  The Hot Cars Act, which is part of the House INVEST in America Act, should be passed immediately so that all vehicles come with this life-saving technology.”

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