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Statement on New Motor Vehicle Crash Fatality Figures

The preliminary 2020 motor vehicle crash fatality figures released today by the National Safety Council (NSC) confirm what has been widely reported throughout the country – despite people driving less frequently, more are being killed on our roadways.  It is tragic that we have proven “vaccines” that could be significantly bringing down these numbers but they are not being implemented. 

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Statement on 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure

Today, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, issuing a grade of “D” for U.S. roads and “C” for bridges.  Since its last report in 2017, the grade for roads has remained at a dismal “D,” and the grade for bridges holds the disappointing distinction of being the only category in which the grade dropped (from a C+).  This is not a “refrigerator-worthy” report card.  It is time for our nation’s leaders to “hit the books” and advance proven solutions to upgrade our infrastructure which will also result in improving safety for all road users.

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