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Distracted Driving

Group Letter Urging Kentucky to Upgrade its Distracted Driving Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Expanding current distracted driving laws to more broadly curb manual use of devices, known as a hands free requirement or a hand held prohibition, and coupling this measure with provisions to also restrict distracting viewing of devices, such as accessing the internet, reading and updating social media networks, video chatting and streaming video, can help to deter deadly device use behind the wheel.

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Missouri Times Op-Ed by Cathy Chase on Traffic Safety Laws

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

These are dangerous times for Missouri motorists and road users. Crash fatalities skyrocketed to a 13-year high in 2020, with nearly 1,000 deaths, including 120 pedestrians, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT).

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Joint Statement on U.S. Senate’s Passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

1024 374 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

 Failure to adopt House-passed safety requirements in the Senate’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act puts all road users on a dangerous and deadly path.

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Message to Congress from Distracted Driving Victim Advocate Jennifer Smith

313 329 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) sent the message below to Congress on August 3, 2021: This morning, an op-ed was published in Chicago’s Daily Herald, “Build safety into infrastructure bill,” by Shaun Kildare, Senior Director of Research at Advocates…

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