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Intelligent Speed Assistance

WA: Advocates and Safety Partners Join Forces to Support Key Anti-Speeding Bill

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates along with several other partner safety organizations have sent a letter of support for House Bill 1596 to members of the House Transportation Committee in the Washington State Legislature. Driving in Washington state has become increasingly dangerous. Over 30%…

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NY: Pass Bill Requiring Intelligent Speed Assistance Devices for Repeat Offenders to Combat Dangerous Behavior

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates supports enactment of Assembly Bill (AB) 2299 to require intelligent speed assistance (ISA) devices for use by repeat offenders to curb this deadly behavior and improve traffic safety. Speeding is a major contributor to crashes in New York and…

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VA: Advocates and Safety Partners Support Bill to Curb Deadly Speeding and Reckless Driving

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Speeding is the number one factor in traffic fatalities in Virginia, accounting for 49.5% of all traffic deaths in 2023. There were 25,274 speed-related crashes, 449 deaths and 13,474 injuries. Advocates and a group of safety partners has written to…

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America Walks: Safer Fleets Challenge

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

How Adopting Intelligent Speed Assistance Can Make Your Communities Safer America Walks Safer Fleets Challenge calls on cities and towns to install Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) on their fleets. What is ISA ISA is a vehicle-based technology that can preclude…

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