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MO: Lawmakers Should Advance Bills to Combat Drunk Driving Plague

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates has joined other safety organizations to call for the Missouri Senate Committee on the Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence to advance Senate Bill 353 and House Bill 273. These bills will require drunk drivers who enter into a…

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Advocates & Kids and Car Safety Urge Missouri Lawmakers to Pass Legislation Upgrading the State’s Distracted Driving Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Missouri is one of only two states that has yet to enact a ban on texting for all drivers. The state also has not taken action to further restrict mobile device use by novice, inexperienced young drivers. More can and should be done to reduce the prevalence of visual, manual and cognitive driver distraction caused by device use.

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Advocates Urges Missouri Senate to Upgrade the State’s Distracted Driving Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

On February 25, 2022 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) sent a letter to the Missouri Senate Committee on Transportation, Safety and Infrastructure urging support for Senate Bill (SB) 713 to curb distracted driving.  Missouri is one of only two states that has yet to enact a ban on texting for all drivers.  Nor has the state taken action to further curb use by novice, inexperienced young drivers. 

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Missouri Times Op-Ed by Cathy Chase on Traffic Safety Laws

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

These are dangerous times for Missouri motorists and road users. Crash fatalities skyrocketed to a 13-year high in 2020, with nearly 1,000 deaths, including 120 pedestrians, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT).

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