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Senate Commerce Committee

Group Letter to U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Urging Safety Provisions to be Included in Transportation Legislation

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

As you consider surface transportation reauthorization legislation, we urge you to advance safety solutions that will significantly reduce the motor vehicle crash death and injury toll that imposes a needless emotional and economic burden on our country. You have a unique opportunity to make progress on overdue lifesaving measures and achieve consequential reductions in highway deaths and injuries.

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Group Letter to U.S. Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Teen Trucker Safety Risks

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), citing numerous studies, has stated that “age is a strong risk factor for truck crash involvement.” In fact, age is the most important factor in the high rate of involvement of younger CMV drivers in fatal crashes. The general pattern of over-involvement in fatal crashes for younger CMV drivers dominates all other factors. Studies of young CMV drivers show that as the age of the driver decreases, large truck fatal crash involvement rates increase.

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Statement for Senate Commerce Subcommittee hearing, “Driving Innovation: the Future of Automotive Mobility, Safety, and Technology”

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Fully driverless cars may have a future potential to reduce the carnage on our roads and expand mobility, but commonsense, lifesaving solutions can and must be implemented now. During this transformational time in surface transportation history, we should pay heed to Benjamin Franklin’s infamous quote from 1736, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

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Letter to Senate Commerce Committee for Hearing on Rebuilding Transportation Infrastructure

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) urges you to prioritize the safety of all road users as you consider policies and legislation investing in infrastructure.

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